
When using Glenway for your logistics, warehouse or distribution needs, you can be confident that the region’s most experienced, efficient and dedicated logistics team is working for you.

Our company establishes customer loyalty by employing experienced managers and staff members who are committed to the highest level of customer service and satisfaction.

“We can do more in-house than anyone else,” said Glenway Management. “We’re the largest single third-party facility in the region.”

Logistics Experience

Glenway’s dedicated managers and staff bring their decades of experience to ensure all of your company’s logistics, warehousing and distribution needs are satisfied.  Our strong working knowledge of numerous routing guides coupled with our extensive experience has secured our relationship with the nation’s largest retailers.  Our superior logistics expertise has saved our clients hundreds of thousands of dollars in charge-backs.

Industry Experience

From home textiles to footwear, Glenway has consistently developed our warehousing and distribution business to service a wide variety of industries.  Other product areas include written media, cosmetics, apparel, pharmaceuticals, electronics, furniture, toys, glassware, and consumables to name a few. …more industries served


Logistics, Warehousing and Distribution Services customized to meet your company’s needs.

From Port  to Warehouse to Customer

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